About YACF

Our purpose: to promote knowledge of Finnish and international arbitration, and to make Finnish arbitration known in Finland and abroad


YACF is a Finnish non-profit association for lawyers and other professionals aged 40 or under who are interested in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. YACF was founded in 2012.

YACF aspires to attract members among a broad spectrum of lawyers including in-house counsel, academics, and attorneys. 

We have currently over 200 members in Finland and abroad.


The purpose of YACF is to promote knowledge of Finnish and international arbitration, especially among lawyers under 40 years of age, and to make Finnish arbitration known in Finland and abroad. 


YACF fulfils its purpose by organising seminars, discussion forums, and other events, by creating cooperations with other organisations working in arbitration and, as far as possible, by promoting research and other informative actions.